The Gift of Sending Letters to Loved Ones

Mistakes Happen

I was reminded recently of the importance of being able to say “I’m sorry.” Mistakes happen, no one is perfect…

Don’t Make Excuses

When it comes to getting things done, especially something we don’t really want to do, it’s easy to make excuses…

Our Daughters Are Enough

I want to make sure my daughters know they are good enough, just the way they are. I saw a…

You Should Live Like You Are Dying

The other day I was on my way to a meeting, listening to the radio and thinking about what I…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – What I Went Through.

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Because of this, it’s hard to not think about everything I…

Stop Criticizing

Do the people around you feel like you’re constantly criticizing them? How often do you hear someone say, “stop picking…

Order A Damn Pizza And Eat Dinner With Your Family

It’s important to take the time to eat dinner with your family. We’re all busy. I know. I get it.…

Life Is Unpredictable

It’s strange how life works. One day things are going “business as usual,” and then the next, something can happened…

You Do Not Quit

Life ebbs and flows. There are good moments and hard moments. Happy times and sad times. Difficult days and easy…