You Do Not Quit

Life ebbs and flows. There are good moments and hard moments. Happy times and sad times. Difficult days and easy days.

We do our best. Sometimes we fail and life doesn’t go the way we want it go, but we do not give up.

We do not quit.

We keep on moving forward, trying again, getting better, learning from our mistakes. Sometimes we stumble a bit but it’s OK. We don’t have to be perfect. We do the best we can, pick ourselves up and move ahead, one step at a time.

We have a choice, each and every day of our lives to actively decide to keep on keeping on.

You must not focus on the negative moments, your failures or the unfavorable news. You must not make your life about the bad things, your past or what happened to you. You are not what you’ve been through. You are not a victim. You are not your mistakes.

Instead, focus on the good. The happy times, special moments, the people in your life who love you.

They’re there.

Whatever you do, do not quit.

Whatever you do, do not quit.

I know life can feel hard. I get that sometimes you question if you can move forward. I understand that some days are more challenging than other days.

But still, you move forward.

Because you are strong. You are brave. You have greatness inside of you.

And, even in those moments when you question yourself, what you’re doing or how you’re going to survive, you move onward. With faith. With perseverance. With the knowledge that I’m cheering on the sidelines for you and I believe in you.

You are not a quitter.

You must figure out what you want out of this life, how you want to spend your time, who you want to spend it with and then you must push forward. Even when it gets hard. Especially when it gets hard. When you make a mistake, learn from it and then put it behind you. Don’t dwell on it. Don’t beat yourself up because of it. If something happened to you in your past, accept that it happened and move on. If you were dealt an unfair hand, if life hasn’t been kind to you, if you feel you’ve been wronged, you must make peace with it.

Dwelling on your past isn’t going to help you fulfill your dreams.

Look forward. Move forward. Push forward.

I know it’s not easy. I know there are times you question what you’re doing, doubt yourself and think whatever you want is never going to happen. Don’t give those thoughts power. They don’t define you. You’re so much more than your darkest thoughts.

It might be hard. It might take time. It might be painful.

That’s all OK. The joy, happiness, sheer thrill of reaching your goal will make it all worth while. The feeling of jubilation you will have when your get where you want to go, when you taste the sweetness of success will make you glad you pressed forward.

I know you’ll get there.

We do not quit.

Find meaning each day,


Here’s my most recent Huffington Post article: The Back To School Schedule Is Painful. Make sure you subscribe to the blog to get posts delivered right to your inbox.  Click here to enter your first name and email address to sign up.