The Gift of Sending Letters to Loved Ones

What’s Lurking Behind Closed Doors?

You never know what’s lurking behind closed doors. The other day, I was going around the house collecting laundry. Avi…

Fun in the Sun

You don’t have to be a meteorologist to recognize summer is here! It’s hot outside. Hopefully, this summer, you’re able…

At the Beach With My Girls

This is the first time I’ve ever gone to the beach with my girls. And I don’t mean my children.…

Diamonds Will Last Forever

Recently, we were driving home from visiting my family in Richmond. It should only be around a four hour trip,…

Move Your Body

Everyone feels differently about exercise. Some people love it, some avoid it like the plague, and others put up with…

If You Dread Getting Out of Bed

Do you ever get up in the morning and absolutely dread the plans you have for the day? Don’t feel…

Why is Packing so Tedious?

Why is packing so hard to do? I admire people who have packing down to an art. Some people are…

Just Hit the Undo Button

I was writing recently, and accidentally hit the wrong button. For a second I thought I’d deleted what I’d written,…

Keep Your Positive Energy

There are a lot of people in the world, and we all have different personalities. It’s really what keeps things…