Diamonds Will Last Forever

Recently, we were driving home from visiting my family in Richmond. It should only be around a four hour trip, but with all the stops we make, it always ends up taking close to six. We were half way into our trip, but had already stopped several times. We had to fill the car up with gas, get drinks, stop again to use the restrooms, and finally make a gum run. If there’s a family who can drag out a road trip, it’s mine.

It’s exhausting.

We were finally only an hour and a half from home, when I looked down at my hand, and noticed the diamond in my engagement ring had fallen out.

It was gone. Missing.

It took me a moment to even comprehend that it was gone, and I immediately screamed. No one heard me at first, since the girls were zoned out watching something on Netflix, and Jon was listening to a book on tape.

I guess I was moving around so much, they finally understood my crisis.

I started shaking everything around me.  I had no idea when and where it had fallen out, but luckily, it spilled out of the blanket on my lap, and onto the car seat.

Crisis averted.

Diamonds will last forever, but only if you take care of them.

Diamonds will last forever, but only if you take care of them.

My diamond is my most valuable possession. It’s also something I really like, and has sentimental meaning to me. I’ve worn it for almost twenty-two years, and don’t really give it any thought. I expect it to be there for me and maintain it’s beauty, with little or no care from me.

After taking it to the jewelry store later that week, I learned four prongs had fallen off. It’s a wonder the diamond hung on this long. I was lucky.

But that made me think. How many other things in my life do I take for granted and expect to be there for me, without paying much attention to? Especially the most important thing in my life: people.

Do I have relationships in my life that have been there for so long, I just expect the people to be in my life? Do I make an effort to nurture my relationships, or do I just expect things to go on, business as usual, without taking care to make sure nothing is “broken” or needs extra attention?

I think we can all admit to having people in our lives we take for granted. People we assume will stay around, just because they always have. But what if we took the time to throw a little extra care and love in their direction. Polish our relationships? Make them sparkle?

It’s easier to put time into something that isn’t broken, than have to try to fix it later on. Take the time to look at your relationships, really look at them, and honestly ask yourself if you need to put a little more time and effort somewhere.

Then do it.

Like diamonds, your relationships can last a lifetime, but only if you take care of them.

Find meaning each day,
