How to Survive the Holiday Season While Facing Challenges
The holiday season can be a difficult time for many people.
And, I’m not even talking about the Omicron Variant. A lot of people are dealing with a challenging situation or missing a loved one. If you feel like everyone around you is excited about the holiday season, and you can’t wait until January, don’t beat yourself up. If you find yourself wondering how you’re going to survive this holiday season, hopefully the following suggestions will help you.
How to Survive the Holiday Season While Facing Challenges:
Control what you can control.
You can’t change where you are or what you’re going through. It is what it is. However, you can actively decide to make the best out of whatever situation you’re dealing with. If you have a health challenge, try to do what you can to help yourself feel better. Remind yourself you won’t feel this way forever. If you have financial challenges, try to make the season about the people in your life, instead of focusing on material items. You can’t control everything in your life, but you can control your attitude and what you think about. Help yourself. Commit to doing everything you can to accept where you are and help yourself move through this time being as positive as possible.
Let go of negative feelings.
You might be feeling jealous of other people who seem to “have a perfect life.” You might be angry or feel sorry for

Help yourself find peace this holiday season.
yourself for having to deal with the situation you’re facing. Self pity isn’t going to serve you well. Instead, lean on gratitude to help you let go of some of your negative feelings. Try to focus on the good in your life, identifying 3 things you feel blessed about. Counting your blessings, even in challenging situations, will help shift your mindset and you will feel happier.
Do what you want when it comes to holiday festivities.
If you don’t feel like going to holiday parties this year, (with Omicron, do any of us?) give yourself permission to skip them. If you don’t have the money or energy to decorate your home the way you typically do, give yourself a pass. Same holds true when it comes to gift giving. Do what you want to do, and give yourself a dose of grace when it comes to feeling badly about it.
Focus on self care.
Take care of yourself, physically and mentally. Give yourself a large dose of kindness and focus on what feels good. Write in a journal, take warm baths, meditate, go outside, take a long walk, call a close friend. Eat healthy, try to relax, and read inspiring books that make you feel good. If you want to binge Netflix, or take a long nap, then do it. Don’t judge yourself. If you start to go down the “negative” path, and have a string of negative thoughts, try to redirect your thoughts to something that’s positive and upbeat. There’s not much a hot bath or cup of tea can’t make better.
Keep perspective.
When you’re in the middle of dealing with a challenge or going through a hard time, it’s difficult to keep perspective. However, you must remind yourself that where you are now, and what you’re facing, won’t be here forever. This time shall pass. You will get through it. The holiday season will soon be over, and January is really just around the corner. The key is to be intentional about what you do, the thoughts you have, and try to help yourself stay grounded.
I hope the above suggestions help you, not only get through this holiday season, but assist you in finding peace.
Much love,