Pull Up Your Big Girl Panties
We all have to do things we don’t want to do. Life comes with responsibilities.
It’s just part of the experience. It doesn’t matter who you are, sometimes you just have to suck it up and pull up your big girl panties.
I’m not really sure what the male equivalent is? Pull up your big boy briefs? That sounds a little off to me, don’t you think?
When I find myself faced with a “to do” list that’s full of things I don’t want to do, truth be told, I can get a little grumpy. I know time is our most precious commodity and I try to make sure I spend mine wisely. I try to make sure I give myself space to do things I want to do. But, since I’m a grownup with lots of responsibilities, probably like you, of course I have plenty of times when I do things I don’t want to do.
The other day, I found myself going from one thing to the next, running from one place to another, and I could feel myself getting grumpier by the minute. It was hot and I was tired.

Responsibilities can wear us all down.
Instead of taking a moment to look at the big picture, and recognize this was just a day full of errands and appointments, and trying to make the best of it, I found myself getting frazzled.
Then it happened.
My soon to be fifteen-year-old daughter said these words, “Mom, I’m sorry you have to drive me around. I really appreciate it.”
She said it in her sweet little voice, and I could feel the guilt forming. I’m not a fan of guilt. In fact, I view it as wasted energy.
I looked at her, and in that moment, realized how lucky I was to be able to run errands with her. To spend the time together, even if it was just driving her around.
“It’s my priviledge,” I said to her, and we both smiled.
“I’m sorry I was a little grumpy,” I told her, “I’m really glad to be doing this with you.”
It was a good reminder to me, and maybe for you, to realize how important it is to make the most of whatever it is we have going on.
Here are 5 things to do when you start to feel a little grumpy:
- Keep perspective and remember whatever you’re dealing with won’t last forever.
- Find the good. It’s there, even if you have to look a little harder to see it.
- Remember your attitude is extremely important and will directly impact your mood.
- Take a deep breath, close your eyes and try to relax.
- Talk to yourself and ask yourself if whatever it is that’s setting you off is worth it. It probably isn’t.
Two weeks from now, my daughters will be back in school and of course I’ll miss spending time with them.
No one is perfect, and it’s OK to get crabby every now and then. We all do it. Even in our grumpiest moments, we still have control over how we react and behave. We can choose to make the most of whatever it is we’re doing or give in to our bad mood.
I’ll remember this next time and I hope you do as well.
Find meaning each day,