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Cancer Diagnosis Gives Woman Perspective on 'Crazy Perfect Life'

My Brother Filled My Mom’s Car up with Water

Today is my brother, Ari’s, birthday. He’s forty-one today, which still makes me his older, wiser sister. We’ve gone through…

Instead of Laughs, I got the Middle Finger

A few weeks ago, because of school conferences, my kids didn’t have classes. I was so looking forward to spending…

Don’t Judge the Mom in the Carpool Line Wearing Pj’s

I’m not a morning person. I’ve never been one, I’ll never be one, and I accept this about myself. Finally.…

You Can’t Win If You Don’t Play

I almost crushed my daughter’s dream. In my quest to protect her, I almost shut it down before she even…

I Miss My Mom

I Miss my Mom. Just four little words that come together to form a sentence. There’s no possible way these…

Slow Down, You Move too Fast

As Mom’s we have a lot to juggle: our families, our homes, our lives. We rush around doing everything for…

Bathroom Business: How I Almost Burned Down a Building

I’m not sure what the deal is lately, but it seems like every time I’m with a group of women,…

Bald and Beautiful

The other day I was at Whole Foods, shopping for groceries and spending a small fortune. I was walking through the…

What a Difference a Year Makes

What A Difference a Year Makes

This past weekend the calendar went from April to May. But it wasn’t just another month for me. This year,…