4 Ways To Spring Clean Your Life
Spring is finally here and with it, the feeling of new beginnings. The birds are chirping and flowers are popping up. You might feel motivated to clean up your home, declutter and freshen up belongings, and move your winter clothes to the back of the closet. While all of these actions are helpful, let’s not forget to take care of ourselves. Don’t just focus your energy on cleaning your home, do a little life refreshing as well.
It’s an inside job, and only you can do it.
4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life
Make your surroundings inviting.
I’m not talking about cleaning, dusting or vacuuming your home. I’m referring to actually taking the time to walk through your home, where you spend most of your time, and think about what you could do to make your space a little cozier. More inviting. What would make you happy? I spend a lot of time in my home because I love being there. Your surroundings and environment have a direct impact on how you feel. For minimal financial output, you can have significant enjoyment. Replacing old accent pillows with new ones, painting a room a different color or adding fresh flowers or candles are just a few ways you can freshen up your environment.
Find a new activity.
Feeling a little bored with your life? It can happen to all of us, especially after we’ve been spending a lot of time inside because of the cold weather. Mix it up a bit. It’s time to find something new and interesting to do. Find an activity that

Spring is finally here!
gets you excited and even out of your comfort zone. It doesn’t matter what it is. Each week, do something new and stimulating. Go to a new restaurant, have lunch with a different friend you don’t normally get to spend time with, try making a new recipe for dinner. Get out of your normal routine and put a little spice into your life. It’s called being in a rut, and if you’re in one, it’s time to take charge!
Change up your routine.
Is your routine bringing you down? Are you doing the same thing, at the same time, each and every day? Switch it around. Do you always have dinner in the same place in your home? Now that the weather is getting nice, consider taking it outside. If you’ve been saving your wedding china for special company, perhaps think about using it at a normal weeknight meal with your family. There are little things you can do to make your day to day routine special. Make the “normal” extraordinary.
Connect with nature.
When the weather is pretty, it feels good to go outside and spend time in nature. There are so many ways to do this, depending on where you live. Take a weekly hike, eat dinner on your patio or put a blanket down at a nearby park and read a book. Take your exercise outside. It doesn’t matter what you do, spending time in nature will help you feel more relaxed and energized. Enjoy the sunshine on your face, soak up some vitamin D and savor the smell of spring flowers.
Don’t just clean your home, think about other ways to celebrate the arrival of springtime. Take this opportunity to make positive changes in your life that bring you happiness. You can freshen up your home and your life.
Find meaning each day,
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