Something’s Burning

“Something’s burning,” Jon said to me last week while on vacation. I was enjoying another lazy day, and had crawled back into bed after having breakfast. Never mind that it was 1:00PM, and we’d just finished eating breakfast.

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” I said to him.

I tend to be nonchalant about these types of things, because, most of the time everything is fine. Plus, it was raining really hard outside, and if something was actually burning, the rain would put it out. Jon didn’t appreciate my reasoning.

He walked back and forth, all around the house while I stayed in bed. I was almost giddy about getting to spend a lazy day in bed, in my PJ’s, while listening to the rain. Nothing was going to mess it up. Not even the threat of a fire.

“Get up and come in here,” he called me, “I really think there’s something burning.” I begrudgingly got out of bed, and went into the den. I could tell he wasn’t amused with my laziness. When I walked into the den, I did, in fact, smell something burning. Maybe he wasn’t overreacting.

“You’re right,” I told him, “Something is burning.”

I had to admit, it did smell like something was burning.

I had to admit, it did smell like something was burning.

We called the girls, who were upstairs in their beds, and we all searched the house. We couldn’t find anything wrong, yet, the smell continued. It was perplexing.

“Should we call 911?” Zoe asked.

While they were hashing it out, I climbed back into bed. I’d let Jon handle this one.

A few minutes later he came into the bedroom to put on some clothes, and wasn’t very happy to see me back in bed. “Get up,” he said to me. Again. This time his voice was laced with a twinge of anger, “I called the fire department, and they’re on the way.”

“No,” I told him, “I’m going to stay right where I am, and if they need to come in here, that’s perfectly fine with me.”

Jon just shook his head, and left the room.

The fire department sent a couple of nice men, (cute men in uniform) who looked to be around fifteen. When did everyone get so young? They marched right into my bedroom, we exchanged pleasantries, and they didn’t seem to care. I figured they’re like doctors, and are used to seeing people sport the “just rolled out of bed” look.

They couldn’t find anything wrong, and we’ll never know what the mystery smell was. It’s nice to know we have people to call when we need them. Even if they do seem a bit young. As for the rest of that glorious day? I spent it in bed, with books and my laptop, and it was pure heaven.

Find meaning each day,


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  1. Michelle on January 6, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Holy cow! The same thing happened to us!

    • Dara Kurtz on January 6, 2016 at 2:24 pm

      I hope you’re ok…never any fun to smell something burning! Happy New Year!