Seasons Change
Seasons change and so does life.
At a party this weekend, a friend of mine shared a lovely story. I want you to hear it.
She used to live next door to a woman who had beautiful flowers. Everyday, she saw the woman spending time in her garden, taking care of her flowers. They were fabulous.
My friend couldn’t keep anything in her yard alive. She would come home, look at her yard with all the dead plants, and then look at her neighbor’s amazing yard filled with flowers.
She felt inferior.
One day, she mentioned to the woman how jealous she was that her garden was so beautiful.
This is what the sweet neighbor said, “I’m growing flowers, but you’re growing children. It isn’t your season to grow flowers.”
I absolutely love this story. There are seasons for everything. Sometimes, we compare ourselves to others, thinking we “should” be doing what someone else is doing. But the reality is, we can’t do everything all at once.
There’s a time for everything: raising children, focusing on your career, enjoying retirement, tending to flowers.
Whatever season you’re in, enjoy it. Don’t compare yourself to others, and don’t wish your season away. Live in the moment, wherever you are in your life.
As we all know, seasons change. Make the most of the one you’re currently in.
Find meaning each day,
Check out my recent Huffington Post article, Growing Old Together.
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Seasons …. great reminder! Thanks.
I love this short and sweet reminder! As I always say especially to women and remind myself–you can have it all, just not all at one time!