What Do You Want For Valentine’s Day?
What do you want for Valentine’s Day? Do you want to be showered with gifts, sent flowers, or given chocolates? Do you want a romantic dinner out at a fancy restaurant, or a cozy meal with your family at home?
We all have different ideas of what the “perfect” Valentine’s Day looks like, a picture in our minds of the way we feel it “should” be celebrated. Be careful though, sometimes the pictures we have in our mind can cause a problem when life doesn’t live up to our expectations. Don’t set yourself up for a disappointment.
Most of us would agree, we like celebrating the holiday. We also want to feel special each and everyday, not just on Valentine’s Day.
We want to be cherished.
We want to feel loved.
We want someone to listen to us.
We want to be heard.
We want to be respected, treasured, and treated with kindness. We want someone to lean on when we’re feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders. We want to celebrate the joys of life, share our happiness, and have a place to go when we’re feeling sad.
It’s a lot to ask.
I wonder though, do we actually give what we want to get?
Treat the people you love the most, the best. Not just on a holiday or a special occasion, but everyday. It’s easy to be nice and thoughtful on Valentine’s Day, but don’t forget the other 364 days in the year. The “normal” days. Those are the days that make up your life.
Sure, it’s fun to get gifts, have an excuse to eat a ridiculous quantity of chocolate, and receive beautiful flowers. Who wouldn’t like this? Just remember to shower your loved ones with love everyday you’re together. You don’t need an excuse to show the people you care about how much you love them.
You don’t have to wait for a holiday.
It’s in ordinary daily life that counts the most. That’s when the real magic happens. That’s what truly defines your relationships. Try to think of little ways to show your loved ones how much you care about them, everyday.
“How can you do this?” you might be thinking?
Don’t worry, it’s not hard.
Write a note and put it under someone’s pillow, bring your significant other lunch at the office, buy a favorite magazine at the grocery store. It’s not about how much money you spend, it’s about taking the time and making an effort to show how much you care.
I love little surprises that show up on an ordinary day, when I least expect it. It makes a “normal” day special.
Go ahead, give it a try. In the meantime, Happy Valentine’s Day!
Find meaning each day,