Why is Packing so Tedious?
Why is packing so hard to do?
I admire people who have packing down to an art. Some people are so impressive with their packing skills, they can get everything they need into a small bag, regardless of how long they plan to go away.
I wish I was one of these people, but sadly, I’m not.
I always tell myself I’m going to give myself plenty of time to get organized and pack in a systematic manner. But it never happens. Ever. Usually, I wait until the day before I’m going somewhere if it’s a legitimate trip, or the hour before, if it’s just a weekend excursion.
I wish I didn’t do this, and I always say, “Next time I’ll do better.” But I never do.
I always have good intentions, but it never works out.
I know people who pack weeks before a trip, and I admire these people. A lot. I don’t see how they do it. I’m usually so busy with life, I don’t have time to stop and plan for a trip that feels way off in the future. But waiting until the last minute to pack doesn’t come without side effects. Anxiety and stress being the biggest ones. Sometimes I’m so exhausted from rushing around packing I even question if it’s worth going out of town.
I admire those people who have a tiny suitcase they just roll onto an airplane. They scream “organized person,” and I know everything is folded perfectly inside their suitcase. I’m sure they don’t show up to their destination with a suitcase full of wrinkled clothing. I can’t say this hasn’t happened to me.
But for now, I’ll toss in the half wet laundry I’m rushing to get clean, and keep my fingers crossed that I remembered to pack everything I’ll need.
I guess I can buy anything I forgot, right?
Find meaning each day,
I HATE packing. It feels like it takes forever and never is finished. I start early and it feels like I have lead weights on when I’m doing it. Don’t know why. I too would like to be able to pack just one black dress, one pair of jeans, one shirt, one of this one of that and have it all work out. I’m with you lovely Dara. Have a wonderful, fun trip!!!
With 3 houses in 3 states, I am always packing and unpacking. I never have the right clothes, forget the jacket for the pants and no matter how far ahead I start, it is still a chore and wrong. Our medicine takes up the most space at this age!
Have fun on your trip! By the time you get to your destination your packing job will be long forgotten… Unless you forgot to pack your underwear and toothbrush lol