Welcome 2016
Happy New Year, and welcome 2016!
I’m back, rested and relaxed. Rejuvenated and ready to experience a new year and all that it will bring. I hope you enjoyed the last days of 2015, and are as excited as I am about walking through this year together. A friend recently said to me, “Dara, I don’t know why you make such a big deal about it being a new year. It’s not like anything really changes. It’s all in your mind.”
She’s right, it is all in my mind.
How wonderful.
While I know there are a lot of things I can’t control, I can choose to think through my life, ask myself what’s working and what isn’t, and be brave enough to make some changes. I can control my attitude, what I think about, and how I do or don’t react to whatever does or doesn’t happen to me.
And, so can you.
I know there isn’t really a difference between December 31, 2015, and January 1, 2016. I get that it’s just a change in the calendar. But, for me, it’s so much more than that.
It’s what a new year signifies: a chance to start fresh, with a clean slate, and begin again. It’s an opportunity to change things up a bit, look at what works, what doesn’t, and move forward. There’s something wonderful about starting fresh, in January, with a new set of 365 days to create the life I want. The possibilities are endless.
Our minds really do hold the key to unleashing our best year yet.
If we can think it, we can do it. If we can dream it, we can live it. Sure, there might be external forces that get in the way, certain road blocks we might have to figure out how to get around, but that’s just fine. I like a challenge. The older I get, the wiser I am. I can learn from my past mistakes, if I let myself.
A close friend of mine always says, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’re just going to get what you’ve always gotten.”
Look at your life, really look at it. Ask yourself if you like what you’re getting from it. What do you want to change? What would it take to have the life you really want? The life you truly want to live? We can’t get the answers unless we’re willing to ask the questions.
It might take some time to figure it all out, but listen to that little voice in your head. The answers are inside of you, I promise. Here’s what I know for sure: if you don’t ask the questions, you’ll never figure out the answers.
I look forward to walking through this year with you, these glorious 365 days. Let’s make 2016 our best year yet.
Find meaning each day,
If you liked this post, check out: https://crazyperfectlife.com/its-a-new-season/
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