Two Weeks of Bliss
The kids are both at camp for an overlapping period of two weeks. This is an unprecedented occurrence. But thanks to my amazing organizational skills, I was able to orchestrate this monumental event.
And it is quite a monumental event. It’s two weeks of bliss.
The house is quiet.
The house is clean.
And guess what? I’m dating my husband.
Yesterday, he called me and wanted to know if I could have lunch with him. “Why yes, I think I can,” I replied.
Last night, after dinner consisting of omelets and salad, we went for an evening stroll.
And after our walk in the moonlight, we went to a late night movie. Rated R, I might add. Why? BECAUSE WE CAN!
We don’t have to drive anyone anywhere. We don’t have to listen to little voices yell at each other about who took what. And when we ate dinner, we didn’t have anyone complain that dinner sucked and they couldn’t eat it.
Because our kids are at camp. For the same time.
This is parenting at it’s finest. This might be one of our most brilliant moments. The real question you should be asking me, is why did I wait so long before signing them up to go to camp at the same time? I’m perplexed. And actually a little disappointed in myself. I know better. I’m good at “making things happen.”
I also want to know why my “friends” didn’t tell me about this? This just might be one of the best kept secrets of all time.
Well, I’m unleashing it.
If you can’t enroll your kids in camps at the same time, FIND DIFFERENT CAMPS!
Meanwhile, I’ve made dinner reservations for the next three nights, and we might even go out of town for a couple of days. Why not, right? The options are endless!
We might go to pick them up, and our kids won’t recognize us. We’ll be the relaxed, laid-back parents, sporting permanent smiles on our fat chubby faces. Chubby from eating out at too many fancy restaurants.
Of course I miss my kids, write them letters, and send them guilt packages filled with things they don’t need. I’m not a monster! But most importantly, they’re growing, and I hope having the time of their lives.
But why should they get to have all the fun?
It’s a win-win for all. And when we pick them up, we’ll be ready to hug them tightly, take them home, and their little voices will be music to our ears.
Find meaning each day,
Yee ha ….
Yes, Sir!