Quiet Moment
It’s Saturday morning, and somehow, I’ve managed to get up before everyone else. Before you get too impressed, it’s already after ten. But somehow, someway, and by some wonderful twist of fate, I’ve spontaneously carved out a little time for myself. I’m having a quiet moment, alone.
And I’m basking in it. I’m trying to take it all in.
I’m almost so excited to be alone, hear the stillness of the house, and sit and have a hot cup of tea, that I can’t contain myself. The only sound I can hear right now is the clicking of the keys on my keyboard. I take a deep breath, and close my eyes for a moment. I want to remember this point in time.
This holy moment.
We’re all busy. Going every which way, and doing everything for everybody. We all need a little quiet time. It helps us recharge, renew, and relax. But here’s the thing we have to remember: we have to make time for ourselves. Then take and enjoy it, without feeling guilty.
There are a million things I could be doing. Nothing is more important for me, than just sitting here, right now, and enjoying my present moment. This might be the only quite time I have all day, and I want to soak it up. I want to carry it with me all day. I want to get back to this place when the craziness of life starts to get in the way.
And maybe, just maybe, if I’m lucky enough, when the day starts to go in a thousand direction, and I know it will, I can close my eyes, take a deep breath, and take myself back to this instant.
Quiet moments, just like this one, are there for all of us. We just have to make it a priority to take care of ourselves, carve out alone time, and then sit with our thoughts. And never, ever, feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Guilt is a wasted emotion, and won’t do anything except steal your joy.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself.
Find meaning each day,
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