Driving In Front Of A Police Car

Has this ever happened to you: you’re driving and all of the sudden you look into your rear view mirror and see a police car driving behind you… a police car?

I’m sure you’ve experienced this, probably many times. Lately, I’ve found myself in this situation a bit more than I’m comfortable with. In the past week, I’ve experienced this three times. Three times I was driving, looked up, and there was a police car behind me.

I admit, each time I reacted the same way: like someone running from the law.

Each time I felt my body tense and my blood pressure rise. I automatically slammed on my brakes even though I wasn’t speeding. I’m sure this wasn’t the best move, but again, it’s was an automatic reaction.

I see a police car behind me and I turn into a crazy person.

I see a police car, I slam on my brakes.

I see a police car, I slam on my brakes.

In one of the instances, my daughter was in the car and when I slammed on the brakes she screamed, “Mom, what are you doing?” She was holding books in her lap and they all fell to the floor.

“Sorry,” I said. I didn’t really have anything else to say because “I’m fleeing from the PoPo,” didn’t really feel like a good explanation. What would I be teaching her?

I have to admit, I’m afraid I’m going to get into trouble. It’s like I’m driving in front of a teacher, and I don’t want to get caught without having my homework done. And since I’ve only received one speeding ticket in my life, it’s hard to justify my crazy behavior.

I know it’s silly. I know I don’t have anything to hide. I know police officers are our friends. In fact, I have nothing but sincere respect and admiration for police officers. They’re the people I would call if I had a problem, and I’ve had only positive interactions with them in the past.

But, I still don’t want them driving behind me.

It makes me nervous. In fact, I dislike it so much that after I slam on my brakes, I look for an escape route. I find the first street I can turn down, put on my blinker, and slowly and cautiously make a turn so I don’t have to drive with a police car behind me.

A police car.

We all have different things that set us off. Mine just happens to be driving in front of a police car. I’ve accepted this little personality flaw and just laugh at myself. After my blood pressure resets, of course, and I’m safely on a different street.

Find meaning each day,


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