The Person I Sleep With Snores
I have to sleep with earplugs. I do this because the person I sleep with snores. Loudly and often. Since my husband, Jon, isn’t going to stop snoring, earplugs are the only way I can continue to sleep with him.
I’m taking one for the team.
I was at a party recently, and somehow we got on the subject of sleeping with our spouses. Because we’ve all been married for a very long time, the subject really was about sleeping. Not sex. All of the women talking were more interested in actually getting sleep, instead of something else.
“I get so mad when my husband snores and wakes me up, I just kick him until he stops,” one woman said. Granted she’d been drinking, but I could see her kicking her husband. Truth be told, I’ve been so frustrated before, I’ve done it also. Not a hard kick, just a little nudge.
Gentle and light.
Sadly, I’ve learned that it only works for a few minutes, and then the snoring starts again. It’s really not worth the effort it takes to move my leg in the correct position to give him a “love kick.”
“I’ve seriously thought about sleeping in another room,” someone else chimed in, “but I haven’t had the nerve to do it yet.” I could see her thinking as she said this, and could tell she was close to moving into her own room.
I know what she means. Sometimes, I dream of sneaking into the guest bedroom, crawling into a quiet and empty bed, and drifting off into sweet, uninterrupted sleep.
But, I haven’t, yet.
When you just want a good night sleep, nothing is more frustrating than hearing the person next to you snore. NOTHING.
The solution to my problem, and maybe yours, is earplugs.
If I don’t wear them, I can’t sleep. I’m not saying I’m always the easiest person to sleep with either. In fact, I know I snore, because Jon has graciously taped me snoring. How nice, right?
The other night, when Jon came to bed, I had my earplugs already in, and couldn’t hear a thing. I could see his lips moving, but couldn’t hear anything he was saying.
“What,” I said. I thought I was saying this quietly, but apparently, I was yelling.
“Take out those damn things,” Jon said. I couldn’t actually hear him, but he came closer to me, and I could tell that’s what he was saying.
I took out my earplugs, we had a conversation, and then I went to put them in again.
“If there’s anything else you want to tell me, say it now,” I informed him, “Because I’m putting my earplugs on again.”
I won’t repeat what he said. But it didn’t matter. I can sleep, and remain in the same room with my husband.
Find meaning each day,
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