Open Your Eyes
Have you ever been looking for something and couldn’t find what you were looking for, only to realize it was there the whole time you were searching for it? It was right in front of your eyes? We all do this, probably more often than we want to admit.
“You’ve got to come out here and see this,” I shouted into the house the other morning. I was sitting outside on the deck, having a cup of coffee and enjoying a quiet moment. It was pure heaven until I noticed the ridiculous amount of bugs that were flying all around the house. I’d never seen this many all at once. It’s like we were being invaded.
“What is it?” Jon asked as he came outside.
“Look over there,” I said, and pointed to the bugs.

Open your eyes to the blessings in your life.
I couldn’t get over it.
“Yeah. I see bugs. You called me out here for that?” Jon asked.
“Do you see how many there are? Just watch them. They’re zooming all around.”
“It’s always like that,” Jon said, “You just notice it more now because the sun is directly on them. It’s like if you have a beam of sunlight inside a room and you see all of the dust particles flying around.”
He wasn’t impressed with my sighting and went back inside the house.
I watched the bugs for a few more moments, completely amazed by how many there were. I found it hard to believe they’re always here and I simply haven’t noticed them before. Truth be told, I also found it disturbing. There were so many bugs.
Of course, it also made we wonder: how many other things in my life are there, in front of me, that I don’t notice? Things I don’t pay attention to because I can’t see them clearly or don’t actually take the time to observe.
I sat and thought about this for a few moments, and I encourage you to do the same. Do you have blessings in your life: family, friends, security, a job, food, shelter? Good fortune you don’t pay enough attention to? Things you take for granted?
Don’t feel badly if you do, you aren’t alone. We all have things in our lives we don’t appreciate. It’s human nature.
Take a little time to think about this: open your eyes to all that’s around you, really see what you have right in front of you and count your blessings. Don’t take what you have for granted.
The next morning, when I was sitting outside on the deck, I couldn’t see the bugs. It’s like they weren’t there. It was later in the morning, and the sun wasn’t shining down on them. If I hadn’t seen the sunlight the day before, I wouldn’t have know they were there.
Don’t miss the blessings in your life. Open your eyes and see what’s right in front of you.
Find meaning each day,
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