I used to strongly dislike the month of November. In fact, I didn’t only dislike it, I feared it. I could feel my anxiety level increase as the days of October slowly passed by, and in the last week of the month, I’d be a wreck. For me, Halloween was filled with more “tricks” than “treats.”
“Tomorrow will be November,” I would say to myself every year. By then, I’d be ready to just get the month of November over with and done.
It was my dreaded month. It was the month my Mom passed away.
It’s been sixteen years since she died, and I can say with certainty, that it’s gotten better over time. I don’t dread the month of November anymore. It’s still not my favorite, because of all that it signifies, but the anxiety and sadness the month used to bring me have diminished. They say time does help, and it does.
The sad memories have faded, and the strength of the pain has diminished over the years. It doesn’t take my breath away anymore. Instead, I remember the good times I shared with my Mom. Fortunately, I had plenty of good times.
I am grateful for this.
It’s November, again, and I’m not sad. I didn’t watch the month of October leave with apprehension. I was ready for it. I welcomed it. I’ve learned how to live with the pain and hurt, and I try to focus on the joy and blessings in my life. I recognize that going through hard times allows us to appreciate the good times in our lives.
Life is full of ups and downs. Enjoy the good times, when you have them. Trust that you’re strong enough to get through the bad times, when those come your way.
Just like the seasons, they’ll pass, but it’s how we deal with them, that truly defines us.
Find meaning each day,
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