What To Do If You Have Negative People In Your Life
Have you ever noticed when you’re around negative people, they can suck the happiness and joy out of you if you let them? It’s hard to know what to do if you have negative people in your life.
Here’s the thing: you can’t let them. You can’t let another person take away your joy and happiness.
Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of emails and messages on social media from people who feel like they are surrounded by negative people and they don’t know what to do. There are a lot of people in the world who are in this situation, and they feel stuck. I hope this post helps.
You have to somehow distance yourself from people in your life who are negative. It’s easy if the person is someone you don’t have to see very often or isn’t someone you see each day. However, if you’re constantly around someone who is negative, you have to take control and protect yourself. You don’t want to bring yourself down.
It doesn’t matter what the relationship is: your spouse, child, colleague, or friend. Having daily contact with negative people can definitely start to impact you and suck the joy out of your day.
Here are some ways you can help yourself if you have negative people in your life:

It can be hard if you have negative people in your life.
If someone is in a grumpy mood and is saying mean things, simply walk away if you can. Go into another room, leave your home and go for a walk, put on your earphones and tune them out. Do whatever it takes to prevent the negativity from seeping into your space.
If you go into work each day in a great mood, but then have to deal with a colleague who is a negative, it can be hard to take. Try to put space between you and that person: see if you can take your work into another room and take your lunch hour at a different time. Focus on your work and not on the negative person.
Sometimes laughing about a particular situation is the best way to handle it and diffuse it. If you’re with someone who’s having a temper tantrum, sometimes not taking it too seriously and laughing about their bad mood is a way to get them to lighten up. You’ll have to feel your way through this one, but for me, I’ve noticed it can help the person realize they need to ditch the negativity. Even if they don’t see it, at least you’ll be getting a good laugh.
Try talking to the person. Let them understand how their mood is affecting the people around them. Hopefully, the person will be willing to hearing what you have to say and receptive to the feedback. If however, they get defensive or deny what you’re saying, your only choice is to let it go and move on.
You can only do so much to help another person see how their actions are impacting those around them. If they don’t want to see or acknowledge it, you’re wasting your energy trying to convince them. The best thing you can do is focus on what you can control: yourself.
Find meaning each day,
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