Man’s Best Friend
They say, a dog is a “Man’s best friend.” Well, I didn’t want another dog, and I have plenty of friends.
We already had a dachshund, Ellie, who is a very high maintenance dog. Sadly, she hasn’t mastered the ability to go to the bathroom outside. This is a frustrating and inconvenient trait, especially for me. I’m the one who usually gets to clean-up the treats she leaves all over the house. I didn’t see the need to bring another furry friend into our home.
My husband, Jon, has always wanted a Golden Retriever. And who am I to deny him his greatest wish? His wife. That’s who.
I was able to delay the inevitable, but only for so long. One weekend, I went out of town with friends. And when I came home, Jon and Avi had researched local breeders, found a litter, and scheduled a visit. For that same day.
I was only gone for two days. What would have happened if I’d been away for a week?
“We’re going to see the puppies this evening, and you’re coming with us,” Jon told me.
“I don’t want another dog,” I pleaded, “And I’m not a terrible person for saying that.”
My biggest reason for not wanting to get another dog was that I already had enough to take care of in the dog department. Plus, Golden Retrievers are huge dogs and shed. A lot.
Hair would be all over our house, and my black clothing. I wear a lot of black clothing.
We went to see the puppies. They were adorable. There’s really nothing cuter than a Golden Retriever puppy. Except maybe nine puppies. They were precious.
Three more visits, and I was in love. We all agreed on which puppy we wanted, and several weeks later, our Winchester, or Winnie as I like to call him, came to live with us.
I’ve never loved a dog more. He’s the sweetest, kindest, most loving animal I’ve ever had. I’m so glad we got him. He’s definitely big. Actually, bigger than we thought he would get, at around ninety pounds. He sheds a lot also. Blond hair, everywhere. Especially my black leggings and pants.
But, it’s OK.
He’s worth it. I almost didn’t let myself love him, all because of the hassle I perceived he was going to cause. Thank goodness I listened to Jon. (Did I really just write that?)
Don’t deny yourself the opportunity to experience something, just because it is inconvenient or you perceive it to be difficult. Sometimes, the best things in life are a serious pain in the ass, but so worth the effort.
Find meaning each day,
So true! Love our fur balls!
Love our fur balls!
Even though my dogs shed all over everything including my black clothes I cannot imagine 1 minute of 1 day without them. I have never laughed as hard as when they act cute and goofy, which is most of the time. They help fill a part of the void since our children grew up and moved out. So love and enjoy, because just like kids, they grow up fast.
You are so right, and they make our lives fun and full.