Let Go Of Your Past

You aren’t your past.

You aren’t what you’ve done, what you’ve been through or what has happened to you.

You’re you: amazing, fabulous, enough.

We all have things in our past we don’t like. Situations we would handle differently. Something we wish had not happened.

Everyone. Has. Something.

I don’t care who you are or where you come from, everyone has something about their past they wish they could erase, forget, get a do over on.

Here’s the thing: you can’t let your past get in the way of the rest of your life.

You can’t let what happened hold you back or take away the joy you can have now. Today.

You have to learn to let it go. Put it behind you. Move on.

I know it isn’t easy to do. I get it.

Let go of your past.

Let go of your past.

But, you have to accept what happened and make peace with the fact that it happened. Whatever it was that occurred.

You can learn from the past and gain knowledge and insight from your experience. One day, you might even be able to help someone else. This is the something good that can come out of something bad.

Everyone has a past.

One of the things I don’t like about my past is that I had breast cancer. I don’t like that it’s part of my story. I want to erase it.

I also know I can’t change what happened.

As hard as I try, I’m not going to be able to remove this fact from my past. It’s there. Forever.

I can either dwell on it, be angry and bitter about it, or accept that it happened. I can make peace with it and move on.

Guess what I choose to do?

I choose to let it go. It happened. It sucked. I dealt with it. I moved on…

And, so can you.

Whatever you regret about your past: let it go.

If you said something horrible, did something terrible, were a victim of violence, had a nasty divorce, an illness, or hurt someone.

Whatever it was: let it go.

Learn from it, the best way you can.

Whatever happened, there are lessons there for the taking.

Be brave, ask yourself questions that might be uncomfortable, and allow yourself to do whatever it takes to accept what happened in the past can’t be changed. Once you accept this honestly and completely, you can come to terms with it and move on.

Put it behind you.

Start focusing on the beautiful life you have right in front of you.

Be willing to allow yourself the freedom to do this. It can be hard and painful, but when you get to the other side, and know deep in your heart you’ve dealt with it, that’s when you can really start to live in the present.

It will make you stronger.

I believe in you.

Find meaning each day,


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  1. Jean on June 13, 2016 at 9:29 am

    This is very inspiring! Sometimes it’s easy to let go of the past, other times it’s very difficult. What makes it the hardest to let go is when relatives bring up the past and use it against you, usually during disagreeements. Its like my mistakes define who i am in THEIR minds.

    • Dara Kurtz on June 15, 2016 at 11:40 am

      Yes, I get that! Remember, you can’t let what THEY think define you! <3