Keep Your Positive Energy
There are a lot of people in the world, and we all have different personalities. It’s really what keeps things fun. Most of the time.
I can usually get along with just about anyone. I’m the type of person who can talk to the masses. I’ve never met a stranger. As long as there’s a person standing, with ears to listen to me talk, I’m more than happy to chat them up. Sometimes, to their dismay.
But what I don’t have patience for, is someone who pretends to be one way, and really thinks another. Since I’m a “what you see is what you get” kind of person, I really don’t have much patience for people who aren’t.
Today, I decided that my least favorite personality type is someone who is passive aggressive. If you’re going to be rude, just be rude. If you’re going to be selfish, just be selfish. If you don’t want to do something, just say you don’t want to do it.
But don’t pretend.
It’s exhausting.
For everyone.

Keep your positive attitude, and don’t let the negative energy of other people permeate into your life.
I’m pretty good at figuring out if someone has a hidden agenda or a motive behind their madness. I have to admit, though, sometimes I can even get caught off guard.
And today I was.
It wasn’t fun, but it was a good reminder for me. I can’t control others, but I can control how I react to them. I can’t dictate what other people do or say, or how they react in a given situation. However, I’m in charge of what I say, how I say it, and how I respond to other people.
It’s just that simple.
I can choose to not let the negative energy of others permeate into my life.
I can choose positive energy.
And you can also.
Try to remember this the next time you interact with someone who isn’t displaying the sunny disposition you contain. Maybe they haven’t discovered Crazy Perfect Life yet!
Today, I was temporarily thrown off my game. But just for a few moments. I’ve gotten better at letting things go, keeping my perspective, and not allowing my panties to get into a wad.
And my life is better because of it. Don’t let anyone take away your positive energy or your joy.
Finding meaning each day,