Hiding From My Kids
I’m hiding from my kids right now.
I’m a grown forty four year old woman, and I’m in a room in my house, trying to be as quiet as possible. Because, I don’t want THEM to find me. I don’t want THEM to know where I am.
There’s a lot of “sister drama” going on around here. From clothing issues, to shower products, to bath towels. It seems no one is in the mood to share. The noise upstairs in my house is especially loud, so I just quietly tiptoed away. When no one was watching.
I really don’t want to get involved.
There’s homework to do, tests to study for, and rooms to clean. Everyone around here seems to be tired, grumpy, and in no mood for anything but unpleasant words and slamming doors.
I’m staying out of it.
Have you ever had a moment like this? When you desperately needed a break from the people you love the most. It’s funny how the ones we love the most, are especially good at getting under our skin. My two girls excel in pushing my buttons. And each others.
That’s the thing about family life: it isn’t perfect, there are good times and not so good times, but it’s all part of the experience. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything. So what if I have to runaway and escape from THEM every once in awhile…who doesn’t?
Rather than get all caught up in their drama, I’ve found the best way to handle it is to walk away. Eventually, everyone will calm down, and be BFF’s again.
But for now, I’ll quietly sneak my laptop and a hot cup of tea, and tiptoe through the house to a room where I don’t think anyone will find me. And I’m perfectly happy with it.
Find meaning each day,