3 Ways To Get What You Want This Year
I absolutely adore the month of January. Maybe, it’s because I love a new beginning.
The thought of getting a fresh start and having a clean slate excites me. It’s an opportunity to start a new beginning, release what isn’t working, and intentionally make space for new endeavors. Even though I love my life, I recognize there is always room for improvement. I always want to be growing, moving forward, and challenging myself.
If there are areas in your life where you would like to make a few changes, January is a good time to start. You can create the life you want, and get what you desire, it just might take a little time and effort.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t mind putting in the work to create my best life. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve spent time thinking about my life and coming up with a few changes I want to make in the new year. It was time well spent.
A new year presents an opportunity to start fresh. Don’t miss out on this chance.
Here are 3 Ways to Help You Get What You Want:
Take time to think about what you want your year to look like.
Be intentional about what you want out of your new year. Don’t be afraid to make changes in your life and be willing to try new things. Don’t hold yourself back. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do or try? Perhaps you’ve wanted to travel, try a new hobby or go back to school. Don’t put it off. Instead, try to come up with a way to fit it into your life. Now. It might not be easy and it might take a little planning, but that’s OK. You’re worth it, don’t you think?
I find the more effort and energy I put into creating the life I want, the more satisfied and content I am with what I’m getting. If something doesn’t feel right, I think about it and try to find a different way to approach it. If you visualize what you want your year to look like, you’re more likely to get it. Close your eyes, think about what you want, see it, and then have the courage to figure out how to get it.
Don’t settle or assume things have to stay the way they are.
If you aren’t happy with the direction your life is headed or the choices you’ve made, don’t just give in and assume things have to stay the way they are. Instead, dare to mix things up a bit.
January is the perfect opportunity to start fresh and look for ways to follow your dreams. Don’t make excuses. Instead, make a plan. Living is an art that takes practice and patience. Don’t be afraid to erase a few lines or draw a new picture. The only way you will get what you want is if you put the time and energy into figuring out a way to follow your dreams. But, don’t settle, give in, or give up. You deserve more! Small changes can absolutly produce big rewards. I encourage you to spend some time thinking about little changes you can make in your life to bring you more joy and happiness.
Get out of your comfort zone and dream big.
Don’t think small. Instead, take your dreams to the next level. If there’s something you know in your heart you want to do, think about the next step. Move past your comfort zone. Be willing to take yourself to a place that excites you, even if it’s a little daunting and uncomfortable. I’ve learned to judge when I truly want to do something by the level of my excitement. I’ve also noticed that sometimes I hold myself back because it’s safer and feels more comfortable. When we dare to get out of our comfort zone, amazing things can happen. Pay attention to how you’re feeling and nudge yourself if you’re playing it too safe. We grow when we have the courage to push ourselves a little bit. Don’t hold yourself back. Level up and move forward.
Mold your life into the picture you want, give yourself the freedom to figure out what direction you want to take, and enjoy the process of seeing it take shape.
To get more on this topic, listen to our latest episode on Thrive the Podcast with Garth and Dara.
Let’s make this our best year yet!
You deserve to thrive no matter what,