Family Movie Night
I love watching movies. In fact, one of my favorite things to do is curl up on the couch, in my pajamas, and watch a movie with my family. Especially this time of year, when life is busy and hectic, and it’s cold outside. Family movie night is a fun way to spend an evening.
Agreeing on the movie we’re going to watch, however, is a whole different story.
“Let’s watch a movie,” I said to Jon this past weekend. I could tell he wasn’t very excited about it, and was happy reading world events on his phone. The kids weren’t around, and it was just the two of us.
“Please,” I begged, “We’ll find a movie we both want to watch.”
Since we hardly ever go to the movie theater, a sad fact that became our reality once we had kids, I didn’t think it would be that hard to find a movie we could agree on.
I was wrong.
The number of movies available to us, at all times, is astounding. There’s the movie channel, movies on demand, and then of course, Netflix, and all the other places one can go online to rent a movie.
It shouldn’t be that hard to find a movie.
We scrolled through the newly released category, and sadly, couldn’t agree on anything. We watched at least three previews before moving on to the comedy and then drama sections. Several previews later, and at least thirty minutes, Jon decided he was too tired and “didn’t feel up to a movie.”
I was just getting started.
“Nope,” he said, “I just want to read. I’m going to bed.”
Talk about anti-climatic. There I sat, in our den, all alone. Just me, the dogs, and the TV remote control. But, I didn’t let that get to me. Not at all. Sure, I couldn’t snuggle with anyone. But, I could watch WHATEVER I wanted to watch. There wasn’t anyone to shut down my “chick flick” choice. I happily scrolled to a movie Jon dismissed initially, and sat, in peace and quiet, enjoying my family movie night alone.
It might not have been the way I wanted it to go, but I had a great night.
Find meaning each day,
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