Do Not Stink Up the Elevator
The other day I had to go downtown and drop something off at an office located on the ninth floor of a building. I parked the car, jumped on the elevator, and smiled at the only other person in the elevator with me. A man who looked to be around my age.
The doors closed, I pushed the button to the ninth floor and noticed the button to the fifth floor had already been pushed. He smiled back at me but had a funny look on his face. I didn’t think much of it. Until it hit me. A smell that made me want to vomit. Right there in the elevator. That innocent looking man had made an unpleasant odor in the elevator.
I wanted to turn to him and say, “Are you kidding me? You do not stink up the elevator!”
It’s not nice. It’s not appropriate. It’s a violation of elevator etiquette.
We reached the fifth floor, and he got out.
He didn’t say a word, he just got out. No apology. No sincere, “I’m sorry.”
Nothing. Clearly he hadn’t seen the movie Liar Liar.
To make matters worse, the elevator stopped on the sixth floor, and a woman got in. It was awkward, because I could tell she smelled something unpleasant. And I know she thought I was the one who did it.
I wanted to turn to her, and tell her that, “I did not stink up the elevator.”
But I didn’t. Because I doubt she would have believed me.
After what felt like an hour, the elevator finally reached the ninth floor. I jumped off that thing so fast, you would have thought the building was on fire.
Do these things just happen to me, or do you experience situations like this also? Friends, learn from me. Go to the bathroom before you get on an elevator to avoid causing fellow passengers an unpleasant ride.
Find meaning each day,