Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Sometimes, you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
I get scared sometimes just like you probably do. We all have apprehensions and anxieties about different things. Fear can creep into all of our lives, and that’s when we have a choice.
A few weeks ago, I was in Interlaken, Switzerland and had the opportunity to go to the top of Schilthorn – Piz Gloria, a gorgeous place in the Alps mountains that is at an altitude of approximately 10,000 feet. Yes, you read that correctly, 10,000 feet. It happens to be where a portion of the James Bond movie, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, was filmed.
One can only reach the top, where Europe’s first ever revolving restaurant sits, by taking several cable cars high above the mountains. It is quite the journey, especially to someone who has always been fearful of heights. While I don’t mind flying in an airplane, I found the idea of being 10,000 feet up terrifying.
I didn’t give it any thought until the night before our journey. That’s when I recognized I had two options. Option 1, I could give into my fear and miss out on what was sure to be a beautiful day or Option 2, I could decide I would go, be scared and push myself out of my comfort zone.
I went with option 2, a decision I’m glad I made.

It’s OK to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
Let’s be honest, how often am I going to be in Switzerland and have this opportunity? This was probably a once in a lifetime experience and I didn’t want to waste the chance to see the exquisite mountain views. I didn’t want to let fear hold me back. Instead, I wanted to seize every opportunity while I was traveling and enjoy all of it. Even activities that scared me.
The night before the trip, when I was in bed, I gave myself a pep talk. Instead of telling myself all the reasons I couldn’t go on the trip, I actively decided I wouldn’t give my fear any power.
The morning of the trip, I woke up excited for the day ahead. Instead of feeling afraid, I felt joyful. I’m not going to say I wasn’t a little nervous. I was. But, I had already made my decision to enjoy the day, every single part of it.
When we push ourselves, even to do the activities we’re fearful of, we grow. When we get out of our comfort zone, it’s empowering. A funny thing happened. Not only did I absolutely enjoy the day, I didn’t feel afraid when we reached the top. Instead, I felt blessed to see the exquisite views. I didn’t have time to be scared, there was too much beauty to take in.
We had a snack in the revolving restaurant, enjoyed a 360 degree mountain panorama, toured the James Bond exhibit and even walked the Thrill Walk that goes around the perimeter of the mountain. I did it all.
It was a good reminder to me that it’s OK to push myself out of my comfort zone.
If I had given into my fear and denied myself the opportunity to have this experience, I absolutely would have regretted it.
Your takeaway: don’t be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone and do things you think you’re too fearful to do. You don’t want to have regrets or skip opportunities because of fear. I would have missed out on some of the most glorious views this beautiful world has to offer.
Find meaning each day,