Are You Making Good Choices?
Whenever I drop my kids off anywhere, I’ve gotten into the habit of saying, “I love you, have fun, make good choices.” I’m not exactly sure when this started, but it’s stuck. The older they get, the more important it is for them to know they need to be responsible for their actions and the choices they make. There will be consequences that will be a direct result of these choices.
As their parent, it’s my job to help them learn to make good choices.
No one ever tells me to make good choices. It’s just kind of understood. If I break a law, I’ll pay the price. But what about all choices I make everyday that aren’t hurting anyone but me?
Am I making good choices for my life, my self, my family every day?
Are you?
No matter what you have going on in your life, your job, your friends, it’s all a choice.
You have complete control over how you spend your time, and who you spend it with.
As adults, we have a lot of responsibilities. We have bills to pay, people to care for, and managers who hold us accountable. We’re so busy trying to keep up with everything, it’s easy to forget we still have choices. We barely have time to get everything we “have” to do finished. Who has time to think about anything else?
You do.
You owe it to yourself to take the time to think about the choices you’re making.
Just because you’ve always done something, doesn’t mean you still should. What you’ve been doing might have served you well in the past, but it might not really suit you right now.
Have the courage to look at your life clearly, with both eyes, and ask yourself if the choices you’ve made in the past, are still serving you well today.
Be honest with yourself.
And if they aren’t, have the courage to find a way to make some changes.
It might take time, and won’t happen overnight, but taking the time to ask yourself if you’re making the right choices for yourself right now, today, will bring you more joy and happiness in the future.
You’re worth it, don’t you think?
Find meaning each day,