Alone In The Bathroom
I had the best two hours I’ve had in a long time, and they took place alone in the bathroom.
Does that sound strange? A little off? Perplexing?
I can understand if the answer is “yes.” I would have thought that also. It all started when I wanted to do yoga. We were out of town, and I really needed to find a place to practice my yoga. I could tell I needed a little “alone” time. The only place big enough for my yoga mat, where I could be alone, was the bathroom.
It was either the bathroom or no yoga, and I went with the bathroom.
I locked the door, took my phone which has my relaxing music on it, lit a candle, and enjoyed an hour of yoga. If that wasn’t enough, I then turned on a meditation application I keep on my phone, and spent fifteen minutes focusing on my breathing.
I couldn’t believe it, no one came barging into the bathroom. I have to admit, for a few moments, I questioned if everyone was alright. Were the conscious? Did something happen?
But, it gets better. There’s more.
After I was done, I thought, “Since no one is bothering me, I’ll just take a long, hot shower.” Alone.
There were no interruptions. I didn’t hear anyone scream, “Mom.” My children didn’t come into the bathroom asking for things. Usually, they think nothing of entering the bathroom, regardless of what I’m in the middle of doing, to talk to me, ask me questions, or steal my makeup.
It was pure relaxation and enjoyment.
When I was dressed, makeup on, hair done, I came out of the bathroom. I expected to hear comments such as, “Where have you been?” or “What were you doing.”
When I came out of the bathroom, my family didn’t even notice. I’m not sure how I pulled it off, but I’m not complaining.
We all need to have alone time. It recharges our batteries, keeps us calm, and helps us unwind from the daily stresses of life. If you don’t usually take time for yourself, I encourage you to do so. Anyway you can. Go to a coffee shop, take a long walk, hide in your bathroom. Whatever you need to do, figure out what works for you and your family, and then make sure you do it. We have to carve out alone time for ourselves. You have to be the captain of that ship, and navigate your alone time all by yourself.
I assure you, it’s worth it.
Now, whenever I go into the bathroom, to actually use the toilet, I have to admit, I miss my yoga mat, scented candle, and relaxing music.
Find meaning each day,
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