A Walk To Remember
I like to take a long walk everyday. Sometimes I go with friends, other times alone. It doesn’t matter. There are several routes I usually take, and I’m not picky. As long as I get to hit the pavement, it really doesn’t matter. Recently, I had a walk to remember.
On one of my routes, there’s a certain house I walk past. It’s a beautiful house, on a lake, but now it sits empty. What once was a house filled with three kids and their parents, now sits alone with a “For Sale” sign in the yard. While I didn’t know the people who lived in the house, I knew of and about them.
The family who used to occupy the home experienced great loss. Both parents passed away, from different health issues, one after another. Each individual tragedy occurred within a relatively short period of time. While their kids were young adults and teenagers, they were still children who needed to have their parents in their lives. They weren’t ready to be left alone in the world without parents.
I am reminded of the fragility of life each and every time I walk past this house. My heart feels heavy from the pain and grief I’m sure the kids carry each and every day of their lives. I feel a sense of sadness for the parents, who passed away to early, and didn’t get to have the time they planned they would have with their kids.
What happened doesn’t make sense to me. It is unfair. It is unthinkable.
In time, I expect the house will be sold, and another family will move into the home. This story will be forgotten.
But, I won’t forget. I don’t want to forget. Every time I walk past the house, I send a little prayer into the universe. I hope the kids have moved on with their lives, and I hope they’ve found peace from having each other. I hope their parents are looking down on them and covering them with their love.
Don’t take the time you have with the people you love for granted. Think of this story, this house, this family.
It could have been us.
Find meaning each day,
If you liked this post, check out: http://www.crazyperfectlife.com/life-can-be-unfair/
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