A Messy House
Dirty dishes. They never end. Ever. You do them, the kitchen is clean, and then several hours later, it’s time to eat again. Which means, more dirty dishes to clean. Just like laundry, another chore that’s always there, lingering in the background. If you have kids living in your home, you can probably relate to having a messy house.
I struggle with trying to be efficient with this. Efficient with keeping thing neat and organized. Efficient with trying to stay on top of what needs to be done.
This endless string of chores that’s just part of life.
I’ve gone through many stages in my life. As a teenager, I was a slob. Something I try to remind myself of when I walk into my kid’s rooms and almost feel like I should be wearing a mask to prevent any harmful illnesses from seeping into my lungs. In college, the space was smaller, so it was easy to trash, and then easy to clean up again. As an adult, I’ve gone from not caring, to caring too much, to now: trying to take care of what needs to be done, but not letting my desire for a clean house get in the way of making memories and messes with my kids.
Messes can be cleaned up, but I can’t go back in time. Once the kids are grown, and out of the house, I will have a much cleaner home, but also an empty space in my heart. I try to remind myself of this. Especially as I trip on book bags that are camped out on the den floor, lunchboxes filled with moldy food, and laundry that’s put back in the pile to be done, even though it’s not dirty. It’s easier to put clean laundry on top of the washing machine rather than on a hanger in the closet. Who knew?
Remind yourself of this. If you have a messy house because of children living in it, you’re truly blessed. Try to relax a little bit with the chores, and remember the laundry and dishes will be there tomorrow. Enjoy the time you have with your family. Now. Of course, we need to tidy our homes, teach our kids responsibilities, and live in a clean environment. Just don’t sacrifice being with your family to have a “perfect” house.
Embrace the mess!
Find meaning each day,
If you like this post, check out: https://crazyperfectlife.com/i-just-want-to-go-to-the-bathroom-alone/
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Great post Dara! As a mom of 3 and 6 year old boys who I have nicknamed my weapons of mass destruction, it’s important to remember that this is a season and the intense love and mommy adoration comes with a side of chaos and mess. It’s all good!
My motto is the Celebrate the Chaos! We are lucky we have it.
SO lucky to have it!
It is ALL good!