Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful Dads out there.
If you’re a Dad, I hope you realize what an important role you have in your family, and the significant influence you have on the lives of your children.
It’s easy to get bogged down with work and responsibilities. But always remember that nothing can take the place of having a Dad who is in your life, present, and there. Nothing.
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads in my life.
My husband, Jon, is a wonderful father to our two daughters. He loves them unconditionally, tells them how beautiful they are, and positively impacts their self-esteem. He makes them feel good about themselves, always, and in a way only a Daddy can do. When my kids were younger, I remember saying to them, “Daddy will be home soon.” I couldn’t wait for Jon to get home, take over, and provide me with a much needed break. If you’ve had small children, you know what I’m talking about. Our house just works better when Jon’s around, even now. Everyone’s happier when he’s home, and that is a true gift.
I’ve been blessed to have the love of two wonderful fathers in my life: my Dad, and my Father-in-law. Both love me, genuinely and make me feel special. My Father-in-law never had a sister or a daughter, and it took some time for him to get used to all the drama that comes along with loving me. But, after over twenty years, I think he’s finally gotten used to it. This is especially good, considering my daughters are just like me, in every sense of the word DRAMA. I’ve learned a lot from these men, and I’m so incredibly thankful to have them and their love in my life.
If you’re a Dad, don’t ever think for a moment that you’re replaceable. Because you aren’t. Remember this the next time you leave your office with a huge stack of work that needs to be finished in order to be home in time for dinner. Your job will be there for you tomorrow. But the people waiting for you at home, well, to them, you’re their world.
Find meaning each day,