Live In The Moment
Don’t let the past poison your future. Whatever has happened, try to let it go, and live in the moment.
We all have things in our past we aren’t proud of, don’t like, or wish had gone a different way. But here’s the thing: the past is over with. Done. Gone. It’s happened, and you can’t do anything about it.
At all.
This can be hard to accept, but if you haven’t realized it yet, you aren’t perfect. No one is. Filling your head with negative thoughts about the past isn’t going to change what has happened. It will, however, prevent you from living today to the fullest. Which would be a shame. It’s also a sure way to decrease the amount of fun and enjoyment you experience.
Whatever has happened to you: a relationship that didn’t work out, a childhood you didn’t deserve, a transgression you feel horrible about, an illness you went through. LET IT GO. You can’t change what happened, but you can learn from it, make peace with it, and move on. You can promise yourself you’ll try to do better and not make the same mistake again. You can forgive yourself and bury the hatchet. Whatever it is, you owe it to yourself to come to terms with the situation and put it behind you.
There are always lessons we can learn from every experience we go through. This is how we grow. Let yourself.
We can’t control our past, but we can control what we think about today. Focus your energy on the present moment, and look to the future with positivity and possibility.
You owe it to yourself, don’t you think?
Find meaning each day,