What Time is It?
What time is it? When it comes to how we view time, there are two types of people. Those who like to be on time, and those who can’t. And by can’t, I mean those who don’t get stressed about being somewhere at a given time, and feel there’s a fifteen minute grace period to everything.
Can you guess which category I fall into and which one my husband, Jon, is in? It’s not the same. I know, shocking, right? This tends to cause some issues. Actually, a lot of issues.
Jon likes to not only be on time, he likes to be EARLY. Yes, early. If we’re going to a party that starts at 8:00PM, he wants to get there around 7:45PM. I don’t even want to consider leaving the house until 8:00PM.
When I was writing this, I asked Jon what he especially liked to be on time to. His answer was “everything.” Hm, no wonder we have “time” issues.
“What about me?” I asked him, “How do you think I view time?”
“You don’t care about other people’s timetables. You’re selfish that way,” he said.
Ouch. “Don’t hold back,” I said, “Tell me how you really feel.”
But actually, he had it all wrong. I was trying to explain myself, and not doing a very good job.
“I don’t purposely try to be late,” I explained.
“Yes, but you don’t care enough about other people’s feelings to be on time,” Jon said.
“I just don’t think it’s a big deal,” I replied.
“Well, a lot of people do. And when you don’t try to be on time, it makes you a bit of a narcissist.”
That was way harsh.
I know my carefree, laid back, “I’ll get there when I get there” approach drives him just as crazy as his need to get to things early sometimes pushes me over the edge. But, I never really thought about it from his perspective.
It’s not that I want people to have to wait for me. I’m not trying to be rude. It causes me as much anxiety to be early somewhere, as it does for him to be late. I’m not exactly sure why. I think it has something to do with the fact that I feel like I’m wasting time if I’m early.
So, what do two married people do when they view time completely differently? Especially since it comes up often. And by often, I mean EVERYDAY.
After having this conversation, I’ll make an effort to pay more attention to when I’m suppose to be somewhere, and actually try to get there on time. And I hope, maybe, Jon will relax a little bit, and realize the sky won’t come crashing down if we’re a few minutes late.
Find meaning each day,
I’m in an older version of your marriage – it all works in the long run.
Patience and giving!
Yes, lots of patience! You’re right!