Thumb Sucking
When my kids were babies, they both sucked their thumbs. This didn’t happen at first, but eventually, they each found their thumb, realized it couldn’t get lost, and fell in love. I didn’t worry about it. In fact, I was thrilled. It was easier to manage instead of pacifiers that could get lost or dirty. I didn’t think it would become a problem. I didn’t think it would be hard to get my children to stop sucking their thumbs.
I was wrong.
They both fell hard and fast, and it was difficult to say good-bye.
When Zoe was in seventh grade, and got braces, she got this horrible looking contraption put on the roof of her mouth. It prevented her from sucking her thumb. It was painful for all of us, especially when she ate. It made anyone she was eating with not want to eat. Food would get caught inside this contraption, and it wasn’t pretty.
It worked, though, and she kicked the habit at night.
She stopped sucking her thumb, survived the experience, and now has beautiful teeth.
Recently, it was Avi’s turn to get braces. The morning I took her to the orthodontist, Jon, an attorney, said these words to me, “Whatever they do, don’t let them put that thing in the back of her mouth.”
Apparently, not only is he a brilliant attorney, he also has a medical degree. I ignored him, took Avi to the doctor, and planned to let him do whatever he thought was necessary. Fortunately, she didn’t have to get that contraption.
We can still eat with her and not want to throw up.
I’m not going to lie to you, it’s been a hard transition. Especially at night, when she tries to fall asleep without her thumb. I promised her she’d be better in a couple of weeks.
The other night, when I went to tuck her into bed, she was already asleep, and SUCKING HER THUMB. Somehow, she can fit it into her mouth. Do you know why? Because she doesn’t have the contraption glued to the roof of her mouth.
This is not good. Not at all.
We’re spending a small fortune on these braces. She can’t suck her thumb. You know what I’m going to have to do, right? I’m going to have to call the doctor, tattle on her, and ask them to put in the ugly contraption. The one that makes anyone eating a meal with her want to vomit.
The job of a Mom, it’s never easy.
Find meaning each day,
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