The Spread Of Lice
I’m listening to the news right now, and they’re talking about the spread of lice. I’m getting itchy just listening. I guess it’s the power of suggestion, but my head is really starting to itch. A lot.
Apparently, 25 states have reported strains that are resistant to over-the-counter treatments.
It you’ve ever had lice spread through your family, you know how painfully annoying it can be. Many years ago, we had an unfortunate lice situation in our house, as did many of our friends and school mates. It was “going around,” and we caught it.
I remember the exact moment I realized it. Zoe was getting her hair cut at a salon, and I looked down, and saw a bug moving through her hair. I didn’t want to embarrass her, or freak her out, so I made up an excuse to get her out of there immediately. That was the last time we ever went to that salon. I’m sure they thought I was crazy.
“What was that all about, Mom? I wanted to get my hair cut, she said in a grumpy voice while getting into the car.”
“Um. Don’t freak out, but you have lice.”
“What? No I don’t,” She insisted.
I explained the situation, drove her home, and sure enough it was there. What proceeded to occur was an exhausting mix of washing her hair in products laced with a ridiculous quantity of poison, and enough laundry to push me over the edge. We bagged up stuffed animals and toys, hair ribbons and pillows. I was exhausted. I seriously thought about just throwing everything away, but that would have been wasteful. And expensive.
Then it was time to check Avi. And guess what? When one sister has it, the other one does too.
More poison, more bagged up toys, more laundry.
I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
My kids are older now, and presumably, less likely to catch it. But I already told them, “You get it this time, you’re on your own.”
Maybe they should just wear their hair in a ponytail for the next few months? Or slap on enough hair products onto their heads every morning so that nothing would be able to survive. I don’t care, I just know I can’t deal with this again!
Because once those little bugs come into your house, it takes a really long time for them to leave.
Find meaning each day,