The Holiday Card: Should I send one or not?
Around the beginning of December, I know when I go to my mailbox, I’ll be greeted with a huge stack of mail. Between the catalogs and bills, there will be a slew of colored envelopes: red, green, blue. I look forward to getting the mail every day during this time. I know inside each of these envelopes, there’s a treat waiting for me: a holiday card and a beautiful picture of friends and family. This made me think about the holiday card: should I send one or not?
Some pictures have been professionally taken, the cards well designed and organized. Others contain an attachment letter with a summary of what the family has been doing throughout the year. It doesn’t matter to me. I love them all. The simple cards are just as effective. Each puts a smile on my face, makes me feel the holiday spirit, and reminds me of people we care about and love.
It’s always fun to see these pictures, and I love getting the cards.
The other night, Jon showed me a picture and said, “This would be a great holiday card for us to send this year.”
I paused, thought about it, and then said, “No.”
“I really don’t feel like sending out cards this year,” I told Jon. I typically send them to a lot of local family and friends, people we see all the time. In addition, with social media, I’m in constant contact with most of our friends who live far away.
“I don’t see the point,” I continued.
It takes a lot of time to get the perfect picture, design and order the card, and then do the mailing. Plus, it’s expensive. We usually send out a minimum of 100 cards. That can add up quickly.
The more I thought about it, the more I recognized how much I like getting the cards. It wouldn’t be fair to receive them, but not send them out. Our card won’t be the prettiest, most perfectly designed card, and that’s OK.
It will be sent with love, and that’s all that really matters.
Find meaning each day,
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Same struggle, every year. This year I actually have the picture but I wonder if I have the addresses that I need…
It’s painful to do, but I always love getting them. Good luck!