Take Care
I walked into my bathroom and my youngest daughter was in the bathtub, had set up her computer to watch Netflix, and was eating a cookie in the tub.
It’s important to relax and take care of yourself, but this might be going a little too far. I couldn’t believe she was eating cookies in the bathtub.
“What are you doing?” I asked her. It was pretty obvious, but I didn’t know what else to say. I didn’t really need an explanation.
We just looked at each other.
“I’m glad you’re having some quiet time,” I said. It was hard to not laugh. I was amused.
“I’m seizing the day and enjoying my present moment,” she shot back at me with a smile.
We both giggled.

Take care of yourself.
If there’s anything I can fully support, it’s making the most of your present moment. If eating cookies in the bathtub while watching Netflix does it for her, good for her.
It did look rather nice, I had to admit.
I know many adults who don’t take the time to unwind and have downtime like my daughter. I was quite impressed that she’s learned this important lesson by age thirteen. I didn’t ask about homework. I didn’t want to spoil her mood.
Our dog walked to the bathroom door and clearly wanted to come in.
“Don’t let her in,” my daughter exclaimed, “I want to be all by myself. I don’t want any distractions.”
It’s a good lesson for us all.
Take time to be alone. Each and everyday. Manage the distractions. Make sure you take care of yourself.
My thirteen year old daughter doesn’t have any signs of feeling guilty about having some alone time. In fact, she might be a little too focused on living in the present moment. I might need to make sure she fully understands it’s great to live in the present moment, but that doesn’t mean at the expense of school work.
How many times in my life have I felt guilty about doing something for myself? Felt like I was taking time away from my kids or husband instead of giving into my desire to be alone? Have you ever felt this way?
If you have, you’re normal.
It’s OK to want to spend time alone. In fact, it’s not just OK, it’s necessary. We have to give ourselves the time we need to rest and relax. You owe it to yourself to unwind, have a little time alone, and recharge your batteries. The people around you might not like it at first, because if you’re spending time alone you can’t be doing things for them, but they’ll get used to it.
Don’t give in.
Make it a priority it your life. Figure out a way for you to enjoy some alone time, and do it. Guilt free.
Take a little advice from a thirteen year old girl: Netflix and cookies are a good combination.
Find meaning each day,
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