We all want to be successful, right? But what does that mean? What another person views as successful, might not look anything like your picture. Success means different things to different people.
Have you ever stopped to actually think about what your “definition of success” really is? What it looks like? You should. You might surprise yourself.
I’ll tell you why it’s important for you to actually stop and think about this. You might be making choices in your life that are taking you down a path that doesn’t actually meet your definition. How sad would that be? Imagine, ten years from now, after achieving what you thought you wanted, you open your eyes and realize you never actually wanted what you’ve worked so hard to have.
It happens everyday.
Don’t let it happen to you.
I try not to live life in black and white. Because, life isn’t black and white. I’ve found that I have a lot more fun, living in the gray area. That’s where my true success happens, and where I’m able to meet my definition of success.
Where I laugh the most, and feel joyful.
For me, success isn’t measured by report cards, promotions, or bank account balances. It’s about living a balanced life. An authentic life. A life that feels comfortable. I try to look at how I’m spending my time, and the quality of my relationships. Am I being true to my passions?
Society likes being able to measure things, and success is one of those that’s easiest measured by titles and prestige. In every game there’s a winner and a loser. Make sure you’re winning at your life, whatever that means to you.
I don’t try to be perfect, because, I know I’m not. I don’t want my kids to feel like they need to be perfect, because, I know they aren’t.
I measure success by the laughter I hear coming from my children’s rooms. By the smiles they wear at the end of a good week at school. From the satisfaction I can tell they feel when we have a serious debate about politics. They’re learning, they’re inspired, they’re having fun.
And, it’s enough.
Find meaning each day,
If you liked this post, check out: https://crazyperfectlife.com/dear-college-admissions/
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So true …. thanks!
Thank YOU!