Something Stuck In Your Teeth
It’s normal to sometimes eat, and then have something stuck in your teeth. It happens. To all of us.
After a lovely lunch with friends recently, I had several errands to run. I must have gone to three different places, one right after another. I saw many friends, spoke with numerous people, and was having a fun afternoon.
Until I got home and took a good look in the mirror.
And that’s when I saw it. A huge piece of spinach stuck between two teeth. That would be my front teeth.
Apparently, I’d forgotten to do the “check” and had failed to look into the mirror to make sure all was good. Which was especially disapointing, since all was clearly not good. I’m usually on top of making sure my teeth are clean when I flash someone a smile.
What I found especially disturbing, is the number of people I spoke with. Some of them are even “friends,” and no one even bothered to tell me I had a little bit of my lunch staring them in the face. And I can’t say they didn’t see it, because it was smack in between my front two teeth. There’s absolutely no way they could have missed it.
I know it can be awkward to give someone this type of information. We don’t want to seem offensive or make a person feel uncomfortable. But, I’d much prefer that someone let me know I was sporting a huge piece of spinach. I was almost annoyed at the people for not letting me know.
How dare they let me walk around looking like that.
All they had to say was, “Dara, I thought you might want to know you have something stuck in your teeth.”
“Oh, thank you,” I would say.
It happens to all of us, at one time or another. The best thing we can do is help each other out, and tell it like it is. But dear Lord, don’t stand there and have a normal conversation with me while food is hanging out of my mouth.
Find meaning each day,
Similar to the problem guys sometimes experience …. the zipper is down and no one wants to point it out? Odd.