Slow Down, You Move too Fast
As Mom’s we have a lot to juggle: our families, our homes, our lives. We rush around doing everything for everybody, moving from one commitment to another. It’s easy to let life sort of “get in the way.” Especially this time of year. But take a moment to look at the big picture, and recognize you better stop and savor the moment. Because wherever you are in your life right now, you won’t be here forever.
Of that, I am sure.
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but our kids are growing up, right in front of our eyes.
Just yesterday, I had little girls, and now, in the blink of an eye, one has her driver’s permit, and the other is on the cusp of being a teenager. Yikes. How did this happen?
As my daughter Avi likes to say,”Childhood is just a fleeting moment.” Usually, she says this, and many other guilt induced comments, when I’ve asked her to do something she doesn’t want to do. Which does seem to be often. But the hard reality is, she’s right, childhood is just a fleeting moment.
Sometimes, we’re too busy driving carpool and packing lunches to see it. But it’s there.
Try to slow down a bit, relax, breathe, and let yourself enjoy the moment.
The dishes, they can wait. The laundry, just spray some perfume on and it will be fine. You kids, well, they deserve the attention you’ll look back and be glad you gave to them.
We all get caught up in the moment. After all, we aren’t SUPER MOM’S. Although society does a great job making us feel like we “should” be.
Don’t by into that.
Instead, pull up a chair, and engage your kids in a conversation about something other than how much homework they have, a grade they received on a test, and the status of their room. Believe me, I know how hard this can be. Right now, I can barely see the floor in Zoe’s room. But I want our interactions to be more than just checking things off the list.
It’s important.
To me, our family, and yours.
Find meaning every day,