School Is Back
For most children, school is back in session or starting soon.
A few months ago, I wrote in a post, “School’s out, summer’s in, and you want to look back on the summer and say you made the most of your time. You want to enjoy yourself, take a break, and slow down a bit.”
I hope you had an amazing summer, because sadly, it’s over. If not today, then soon.
When I was a child I could never fall asleep the night before the first day of school. I was excited, nervous and still on summer time. The same holds true for my kids. They’re used to going to sleep late at night. I’m talking eleven, maybe even twelve. I haven’t really cared. Until now.
It’s hard to get back into the swing of things. There’s no way they’re going to fall asleep anytime this week early enough to be rested for school.
This means getting up is going to be painful for all of us. If you happen to see kids walking down the hallways at school with bags under their eyes, looking half asleep, confused and lost, those will be my children. Just point them in the right direction and eventually they’ll figure it out.
Lockers have been decorated, bags and lunches packed and last night, we had our “back to school” family dinner. A time for us to sit around and reflect on our summer, our thoughts about a new school year starting and how we hope the year will play out.
“This is the last supper,” my daughter said, in her dramatic voice.
Last year, our life was a little different. Instead of a family dinner, I was popping steroids in preparation for my last chemo treatment. Instead of conversation about school, we were talking about managing side effects. Instead of taking my kids to school, I was being driven to the hospital.
It’s amazing what can happen in a year. I approach this new school year with incredible gratitude for my health, the ability to do all of these “first day of school” things with my kids, and an appreciation for the amazing summer we had.
And I hope you feel the same about your life.
Find meaning each day,