Rock-N-Roll, Even if You Aren’t Cool
I had an epiphany the other day in the car. One I’m sure my kids have had many times. For some reason, however, I was slow to grasp the concept. But after the other day, well, there’s no denying it anymore.
I’m completely, totally, undeniably “uncool.”
Yep. I’m so off the charts “uncool,” there’s no way I could ever go back.
I’ve lost my edge – my rock-n-roll – and it’s starting to show.
The other day, Zoe and I were driving in the car. Actually, she was driving, and I was trying not to have a complete panic attack. If you’ve gone through the whole Drivers Ed thing with your child, you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you haven’t, well, consider yourself lucky.
We were in the car, she was driving, and it relaxes her to listen to music. And we can take all the relaxation we can get when she’s driving. Especially for me.
We have a normal radio in the car, and a satellite radio which has it’s own display. For some reason, I can’t figure out how to get from one to the other. When music is playing, I rarely understand where it’s coming from, even though my kids have tried to explain this to me about a hundred times. There was a song playing on the radio, which I really liked.
“I love this song, don’t you?” I asked Zoe.
“Sure,” she said, “I’m just happy we’re listening to actual music and not the Broadway or Spa station.”
I do love to drive around town singing show tunes. And if I can’t be at a spa, I might as well pretend by listening to relaxing spa music, right? My kids don’t currently share my deep appreciation for this.
“What’s the name of this song?” Zoe asked.
I looked at the satellite display, and read her the name of the song. Only that wasn’t the song playing, and I didn’t realize it.
“Mugusta,” I said.
“What? No. I’m pretty sure the name of the song is “Hey Ya,” Zoe said in her disgusted voice, “Mom, this is on the radio. That’s from your Spa channel. Are you serious?”
It was at that exact moment, that I realized I’m a forty-something Mommy that has crossed over into “uncool” land. And once you’ve cross over, there’s no going back.
But guess what? Now that I’ve had this realization, it’s kind of freeing. And I’m shocked, but I really don’t care. In fact, trying to be something I’m obviously not isn’t authentic. It’s also a bit exhausting.
Later that night, when I shared this awakening with my kids, they simply laughed and said, “You just figured this out? Took you long enough.”
Well then, I’m glad that’s settled.
Find meaning each day,