Perfect Moments
Last night at the dinner table, we were being silly and laughing. It was one of those perfect moments, when everyone was in a good mood, wanted to engage in conversation, and no-one had anywhere to be. It was a golden moment, when everything felt so right.
All of the sudden, with tears in her eyes, Avi turned to us and said, “What will I do one day when I don’t have you?”
“What?” we asked. Somehow we’d gone from light and airy to deep and emotional.
“I just love you so much,” she explained, “I don’t ever want to be without you.”
Oh, Avi. How I feel the same way about you. I wanted to look her in the eye, and tell her nothing would ever go wrong. We would all be together for ever. That the heartbreaking twist of fate life throws: having us love with all our hearts and then making us leave and lose the people we care about the most, would never happen to us. Not in our home. Not to our family.
But I can’t.
“We’re going to have each other for a really long time,” we told her, “But, there are no guarantees. That’s why we have to make the most of each day together.”
At this point, she was deep in tears, and I was trying to hold in the ugly cry. It’s my greatest fear. I recognize, I have no control. I can’t say with certainty, that life will treat us kindly, and we’ll all be safe. I can’t put my kids or myself into a bubble.
None of us can. What we can do, though, is make the most of everyday. We can make the decision to live everyday to the fullest. No matter what you have going on in your life, make the most of where you are, and who you’re with. Period. It really is that easy.
We don’t know what will happen, but we can chose to live fully and love deeply. And maybe, just maybe, if something does happen, at least we’ll know we gave it our all.
I don’t know about you, but no one’s ever going to accuse me of not savoring every wonderful moment of my life.
Find meaning each day,
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It’s a shame that those perfect family moments happen all too infrequently and without prediction … that you can’t ‘manufacture’ them.
Wouldn’t that be nice… let’s manufacture them!