NYC Versus Cleaning the Potty
Jon and I have never been the type of couple to divide and conquer. We typically do things together. Mostly because we enjoy being together, and also because misery likes company. If there’s something I don’t want to do, I’d rather him do it with me. Why suffer alone? And the same holds true for fun things.
Mostly, this works out well for us.
As a result, our family tends to do things together: the kids extracurricular activities, weekend plans, and going out of town.
We’re like wolves, we travel in a pack.
As my kids have gotten older, this has become more challenging, but we can usually make it work.
This weekend, however, it wasn’t going to happen. We had too many things to do, and were forced to split up. Jon ended up taking Avi to NYC, for a friends party, and Zoe and I stayed here.
My weekend consisted of chauffeuring Zoe around town, making sure she studied for her exams, nagging her, and cleaning the potty.
Yep, that was especially fun. Zoe was having a study group here, and someone, we don’t know who, left a little treat in our guest bathroom potty. Apparently, it had been there for awhile, and as a result, it was stuck to the bowl like oatmeal sticks to your stomach. I took one for the team, and with plastic gloves, a mask, and a huge quantity of chemicals, cleaned that sucker out.
It wasn’t fun. Unless you call dry heaving an enjoyable activity.
Either way, it wasn’t like NYC shopping fun.
Jon and Avi on the other hand, somehow managed to get upgraded to a suite in their hotel, ate their way through the city, caught a Broadway show, and helped stimulate the economy with their shopping.
Was I jealous. Um, of course. But I was also thrilled for them.
They’ve never gone away together, and having this time alone was incredibly special for each of them. Zoe and I also had a great time, in-between the nagging I did to make her study. We watched a movie, had a few fun meals out, and I let her move into my room for the weekend. My clothes have taken a hit, and I don’t have any bath products left, but we laughed a lot.
Mostly, she laughed at me. But we enjoyed being alone together.
It’s good to do things as a family, but it’s also special to spend time alone with your kids. They love the extra attention they get when they’re alone with you. Without their siblings. You can have deeper conversations, really talk about what’s going on in their lives, and spoil them a little bit.
If you have the chance to do something, one on one with your kids, do it. They’ll be glad, and so will you.
Just make sure the bathroom is clean.
Find meaning each day,