My Gift To You
It’s close to the one year anniversary of Crazy Perfect Life, and I wanted to do something for you. I wanted to give you something as a way to say “thank you” for your love and support for being on this journey with me.
A little recap for those of you who might have joined us recently:
Two years ago, at age 42, I had breast cancer. I found it early, aggressively treated it and consider myself cured. But, the experience changed me.
After my experience, my views on life, what I found to be important, and the way I wanted to spend my time, all changed significantly. While I had planned to go back to work at a large Financial Institution, I decided to listen to that little voice inside my head.

My gift to you: a free E-book
I quit my job, started Crazy Perfect Life, and am following my dream of getting my books published.
I never could have imagined Crazy Perfect Life would have take off like it has, and the number of followers on social media platforms puts a smile on my face and almost makes me giddy.
I wanted to do something for you.
I wanted to give you a step by step tool you could use to help you make the most of your life. That’s really all we can do: try to live each day fully, connect to the people we love and find meaning each day.
I’m excited to give you this present: a FREE E-book, Make the Most of Your Crazy Perfect Life.
Click here to start reading:
Read it, enjoy it, work through it.
I hope you find it brings you joy and happiness. I hope it helps you look at how you’re living your own life and assists you in examining the choices you’ve made.
We want to make sure we’re living our best lives.
If you’re on Facebook, I’ll be doing a live video each Friday at 1:30EST. If you can’t join us, don’t worry, the video will be on the Crazy Perfect Life Facebook page. I’ll be discussing each chapter, diving in a bit more, and will start this Friday with Chapter 1 of this book.
Download it, read it slowly, one chapter at a time, and think through your own life.
And of course, please tell your friends. I’d love for them to sign up and get their free E-book. When you tell your friends about Crazy Perfect Life, you help me spread my message, and that means a lot to me.
I’d love to hear from you. If you have any questions as you work through the book, feel free to email me. We’re on this journey together, and I want to help you work through any questions you have. Let me know if you’ve learned something new, plan to make changes in your own life, or just want to share what you’re doing.
Thank you for being on this journey with me, and for your love and support.
Find meaning each day,
Surround yourself with positive thoughts, and enjoy Crazy Perfect Life at Home. Shop for Mother’s Day and other gifts now, and use CODE: FREENOTEPAD. (Put 4 notepads in your shopping cart, and only pay for 3.) Thank you to everyone who’s already ordered.