Make Life Easier For Yourself
It’s a busy time of year for a lot of us. Summer is over, school is back in full force and I feel pulled in a thousand directions.
Between sports activities, back to school events and job responsibilities, if you’re like me, your daily life might feel a little over scheduled.
So, what do you do? Do you just suck it up and deal with it? Accept it “just is what it is?”
I refuse to believe life has to be this way. Because, I know it doesn’t. With a little self analysis and intentional planning, you can make life a lot easier for yourself. And, I’m going to tell you how.
Here Are 5 Ways to Make Your Life Easier
Are you overcommitted?
For starters, you’ve got to be willing to take a little time to think about what it is, on a daily basis, that’s causing you to feel extra stress. Do you have too much on your plate? Are your kids in too many activities? Can you find something to let go of? I’m all about doing fun things, but too much fun isn’t fun. I speak from experience here. If you’re running from one activity to the next, it might be worth finding something to give up. You can’t do it all. I give your permission to say “no” when you’re asked to add more to your “to do” list. Figure out if there’s something in your life you can give up, and do it.

Life is busy, but you can make your life easier.
Plan. Then Plan Some more.
It isn’t sexy and I’m not telling you anything you haven’t heard before. If you’ve got a lot to do, you’re going to have to be organized and plan. Don’t wait until dinnertime to figure out what you’re going to feed your family. Take a little time on Sunday afternoon or evening and seriously plan for the week ahead. Making lists is a must. Map out what you’re going to eat, when you need to be where, and what your week look likes. Taking the time to look at what you’re responsible for and when you’re going to get it all done will give you a sense of order. You’ll feel more in control and less stressed. I pinky swear.
Go ahead, do something for yourself.
I’m always going to remind you to make sure you find time to do something for yourself. Yep. Ideally, every day, but at a minimum at least once a week. Maybe it’s an exercise class you love or meeting a friend for lunch. Whatever it is, make sure you put this into your schedule. It’s important. Trust me on this one. Even if you’re thinking, “I have no time, how can I add another thing?” I’m suggesting you try it. What I think you’ll see, is you actually do have time to do something you really want to do, if you’re organized and plan for it. Don’t make your life only about responsibilities and your “to do” list. That’s not really living. It’s just going through the motions. You deserve so much more than that.
Don’t forget the alone time.
A little alone time, whatever that looks like for you, is a must. Get up a little earlier, take fifteen minutes in the morning once the house is empty or stay up after your family has gone to bed. Schedule this time for yourself to write in your journal, meditate or just sit with a hot drink and your thoughts. Just fifteen minutes a day can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing and help you handle the stresses you might find yourself juggling. Don’t cheat yourself out of a little quiet time, each day, to recharge your battery. You’ll be able to handle whatever life tosses your way a little easier. I promise.
Give thanks, always.
Remember to count your blessings, whatever season you find yourself in and whatever you have going on in your life. Take the time to acknowledge all the good you in your life, even if you feel overwhelmed and stressed. It’s called gratitude, my friends, and living with it will make you a happier and more content individual. Even if you’re dealing with a difficult situation, juggling way more than your fair share or it feels like life is especially challenging. Find thanks, count your blessings and be grateful for what you have.
I’m not naive. I get that life can sometimes feel overwhelming and stressful. I’ve been there. But, the above suggestions will help you make your life a little easier. It works for me and I know it will work for you. Life isn’t perfect but that doesn’t mean you can’t help yourself make things a bit calmer and simpler. Let me know how it goes!
Find meaning each day,