It’s a New Season
Changes are all around us: In nature, our surroundings, ourselves. I quit my job, re-examined my life, and am embarking on the journey I’ve always wanted to go on…but didn’t have the courage to take.
Until now.
A cancer diagnosis will do that to you: force you to take a good look at your life, where you’re going, and how you’re spending your time.
Thank goodness I found my breast cancer early, aggressively treated it with every possible option, and consider myself cured.
But this experience affected me in ways I would never have imagined. I have a zest for life I didn’t know before. One I didn’t even know existed.
I want to spend my time doing what I really enjoy, being with the people I love, and making a difference in this world. If time is our most precious commodity, shouldn’t we take the time to figure out how we want to spend ours?
It’s easy to get sucked into the demands of everyday life, but after the year I’ve had, I’m done with that.
The choices I made in the past served me well, and I don’t regret them, but it’s a new season. After looking at how I was spending my time, I realized I wanted to do something else. I gave myself permission to move on. Permission to deviate from my original set plan, and start something new. Scary yet necessary.
Which brings me to CrazyPerfectLife.
This is a place you can stop by: to get a few tips, learn something new, and feel understood. It’s a place for you to maybe have a laugh or two, focus on the joy in your life, and make your life a little easier. At least you won’t feel like you’re out there going at it alone.
I promise I’m not just a mom with a lap top. I will give you real information, written by a real mom, that you can use in your life. I’m not interested in fake, looks good but doesn’t do a thing for me information, and I’m assuming you aren’t either.
Our lives are busy, demanding, and hectic.
Together, we’ll explore the day to day normal chaos we call our lives, find meaning in the mundane, and learn to truly connect with the people we love.
Life isn’t perfect, that’s for sure. It’s messy, and sometimes we have to be willing to get our hands dirty. By acknowledging this imperfection, the craziness of our lives, we learn to enjoy each day to the fullest.
And bring more joy into each day.
Together, we’ll make the connections to the people we love stronger, learn to do more of what we enjoy, and make the most of our lives.
It’s our season: walk with me, as we explore our crazy perfect lives.
Finding meaning each day,
Dara- I am so glad you are pursuing your dream. I know you wanted more time for writing. Can’t wait to see your posts.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate your support!