I Confess
I think it’s time I told you the truth. I haven’t been completely honest with you. I haven’t wanted to say anything, until now, but I think it’s time. I want to be truthful with you.
I confess. I have an addiction.
One that doesn’t hurt anyone, and I’m thankful for that.
It’s something I enjoy at all times of the day, but I especially do it in the evenings. I sometimes do it with others, but I prefer going at it alone. A lot. Mostly I do it at home, but I’m not opposed to doing this when away from my house. I don’t discriminate.
I have to admit, though, I enjoy it more at home. On the couch. With a blanket. I’m afraid my kids have started doing it also. And their so young, only 12 and 15.
What can I say? I’ve already told you I’m not perfect.
Hey, don’t judge.
Are you ready for it? I know the suspense is killing you.
My name is Dara, and I’m totally, completely, undeniably addicted to NetFlix.
Mad Men, Gilmore Girls, Friday Night Lights, Parenthood, Breaking Bad. These are just a few of my guilty pleasures. There have been, and will be, many more.
I’m sure.
But there isn’t anything like being all snuggled up, comfy and cozy on the couch, and binging. One after another.
I always tell myself, “This is my last episode.” But then, it’s just SO easy to start another one. And before I know it, I’ve watched three in a row.
I enjoy every moment of this.
What do you watch? I know you do!
Find meaning each day,
You are not alone! I just did that with the new season of Orange is the New Black. Then I told a friend and she started binge watching it too.
I can’t wait to watch season 3!
Since I have a few deadly addictions myself, this sounds more like your summer time guilty pleasure! Which are great!!! I have a few too!! Nothing wrong with having one of those! I’ve gorged on Netflix myself! We all need a little break here and there and I love the Gilmore Girls et al!! True addictions prevent you from living your best life. I’m sure anyone could understand why those of us that suffer from one want to make sure people understand it’s true meaning. Great piece Dara! . If watching fun shows with your girls makes you happy! I say go for it!! Love, Tina
Great perspective, as always!
It’s great to see you ‘blogging’ up a storm. So glad you are seeking the wonderment and wonderful in each day. Keep charging forward!
What a kind thing to say! Thank you for reading my blog, it means a lot to me!